BME | VIK | Phonebook | Sitemap | HU | EN

Dr. Kiss István

Department of Electric Power Engineering

Deputy Head of Department, Associate Professor

e-mail address kiss.istvan-kukac-vik,bme,hu

phone number 463-3233

room V1 building 3rd floor 316. (Staff Office)

Publication list

Course coordinator of the following subjets

Teaching the following courses during the 2024/25/2 semester

Subject code Course code Subject
BMEVIMIAC15 CE21 Laboratory Exercises 2
BMEVIMIAC15 CE22 Laboratory Exercises 2
BMEVIMIAC15 K21i Laboratory Exercises 2
BMEVIMIAC15 K22i Laboratory Exercises 2
BMEVIMIAC15 K23 Laboratory Exercises 2
BMEVIMIAC15 K24 Laboratory Exercises 2
BMEVINFD062 2425_2_VINFD062_elm High Voltage and High Current Engineering
BMEVINFD062 2425_2_VINFD062_elm_angol High Voltage and High Current Engineering
BMEVINFD065 2425_2_VINFD065_elm Electromagnetic Compatibility
BMEVINFD065 2425_2_VINFD065_elm_angol Electromagnetic Compatibility
BMEVIVEAB02 2425_2_VIVEAB02_vk Electrotechnics
BMEVIVEAC05 2425_2_VIVEAC05_elm Selection and Verification of Insulation Systems
BMEVIVEAC05 2425_2_VIVEAC05_gyak Selection and Verification of Insulation Systems
BMEVIVEAC08 2425_2_VIVEAC08_lab Laboratory of Specialisation
BMEVIVEAC14 2425_2_VIVEAC14_lab Innovative Electrotechnics Laboratory
BMEVIVEAV19 2425_2_VIVEAV19_elm Strategic Planning and Implementation of Electric Power Projects
BMEVIVEDK08 2425_2_VIVEDK08_gyak1 Research Work 8
BMEVIVEDK08 2425_2_VIVEDK08_gyak2 Research Work 8
BMEVIVEDP08 2425_2_VIVEDP08_gyak1 Publications 8
BMEVIVEDP08 2425_2_VIVEDP08_gyak2 Publications 8
BMEVIVEJV63 2425_2_VIVEJV63_elm Lightning Protection