BME | VIK | Phonebook | Sitemap | HU | EN

Dr. Berta István

High Voltage Technology and Equipment Group

Professor Emeritus

e-mail address berta.istvan-kukac-vik,bme,hu

phone number 463-3230

room V1 building 3rd floor 316. (Staff Office)

Publication list

Course coordinator of the following subjets

Teaching the following courses during the 2024/25/2 semester

Subject code Course code Subject
BMEVINFD034 2425_2_VINFD034_elm Biological Effects of Electricity
BMEVINFD034 2425_2_VINFD034_elm_angol Biological Effects of Electricity
BMEVINFD062 2425_2_VINFD062_elm High Voltage and High Current Engineering
BMEVINFD062 2425_2_VINFD062_elm_angol High Voltage and High Current Engineering
BMEVINFD302 2425_2_VINFD302_elm Physics and Diagnostics of Insulations
BMEVINFD302 2425_2_VINFD302_elm_angol Physics and Diagnostics of Insulations
BMEVIVEA017 2425_2_VIVEA017_elm High Voltage and Insulation Engineering
BMEVIVEA017 2425_2_VIVEA017_gyak High Voltage and Insulation Engineering
BMEVIVEMA00 2425_2_VIVEMA00_elm Physical Protection of IT
BMEVIVEMA00 2425_2_VIVEMA00_gyak Physical Protection of IT