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Listázva: 128 tantárgy.

Kód Tantárgy Kredit Követelm. Moodle
VIVEMA13 Alternating Current Systems 4 3/0/0/f Moodle
VIVEA020 Basics of Engineering II. 3 2/0/0/f Moodle
VIVEBT00 BProf Thesis Project 15 0/20/0/f Moodle
VIVEAT01 BSc Thesis Project 15 0/10/0/f
VIVEA421 BSc Thesis Project 15 0/10/0/f
VIVEAT00 BSc Thesis Project 15 0/10/0/f
VIVEMA10 Building Management Systems 4 2/1/0/v Moodle
VIVEMA12 Computer Aided Design 4 2/1/0/v
VIVEA016 Controlled Electrical Drives 4 3/1/0/v
VIVEAC16 Control of Electric Drives 5 2/2/0/v
VIVEAC04 Control of Electric Drives 4 2/1/0/v
VIVEM033 Diploma Thesis Design 1 10 0/8/0/f
VIVEMT02 Diploma Thesis Design 1 10 0/5/0/f Moodle
VIVEM000 Diploma Thesis Design 1 12 0/15/0/f
VIVEMT00 Diploma Thesis Design 1 10 0/5/0/f
VIVEMT03 Diploma Thesis Design 2 20 0/10/0/f Moodle
VIVEMT01 Diploma Thesis Design 2 20 0/10/0/f
VIVEM034 Diploma Thesis Design 2 20 0/16/0/a
VIVEM001 Diploma Thesis Design 2 13 0/6/0/f
VIVEMA09 Distributed Power Generation 4 2/1/0/v Moodle
VIVEM017 Electrical Drives of Vehicles 3 2/0/0/f Moodle
VIVEA024 Electrical Laboratory 1. 4 0/0/3/f
VIVEA025 Electrical Laboratory 2. 4 0/0/3/f Moodle
VIVEA011 Electrical Power Systems 6 3/1/1/v Moodle
VIVEJV47 Electrical Vehicles 4 4/0/0/v
VIVEMA05 Electric Energy Market 4 2/1/0/v
VIVEM013 Electric Energy Market 4 2/1/0/f
VIVEMB05 Electric Energy Market 5 2/1/0/v
VIVEA044 Electric Power Quality 4 2/1/0/f
VIVEAC00 Electric Power Transmission 4 2/1/0/v
VIVEMA08 Electric Vehicles 4 2/1/0/v
VINFD065 Electromagnetic Compatibility 5 4/0/0/v Moodle
VIVEA018 Electronics and Application 4 2/1/0/v Moodle
VIVEAB00 Electrotechnics 5 3/0/1/f Moodle
VIVEA009 Electrotechnics 6 3/1/1/v Moodle
VIVEA099 Electrotechnics 4 2/0/2/v
VIVEMB01 E-Mobility Laboratory 2 0/0/2/f Moodle
VIVEMB06 E-Mobility Laboratory 4 0/0/3/f
VIVEAK48 Engineering Problem Solving 2 2/0/0/f Moodle
VIVEA059 Final Project Work 15 0/14/0/a
VIVEAV07 Health Effects of Electricity 4 4/0/0/v Moodle
VIVEA013 High Quality Power-supply 4 2/1/0/f
VIVEMS01 Internship 0 0/17/0/a
VIVEMS02 Internship 0
VIVEMS10 Internship 0 0/17/0/a
VIVEA033 Internship 0 0/0/0/a
VIVEAS01 Internship 0 0/0/0/a
VIVEMS00 Internship 0
VIVEAS00 Internship 0 0/0/0/a
VIVEASZ9 Internship 0 0/0/0/a
VIVEAC06 Laboratory of Specialisation 4 0/0/3/f Moodle
VIVEAC07 Laboratory of Specialisation 4 0/0/3/f
VIVEAC08 Laboratory of Specialisation 4 0/0/3/f Moodle
VIVEMA11 Lighting Engineering 4 2/1/0/v Moodle
VIVEJV63 Lightning Protection 4 4/0/0/v Moodle
VIVEA030 Operation of Smart Grids 3 2/1/0/f
VIVEMA00 Physical Protection of IT 4 2/1/0/f
VIVEAB01 Power Engineering 5 2/1/1/v Moodle
VIVEA008 Power Engineering Applications 2 2/0/0/f
VIVEAV87 Power Plants of Budapest 2 2/0/0/f Moodle
VIVEM014 Power Quality 3 2/0/0/f
VIVMD083 Power Systems I. 5 4/0/0/v
VIVMD289 Power Systems II. 5 4/0/0/v
VIVEM012 Power Systems Laboratory 5 0/0/3/f
VIVEMA06 Power Systems Laboratory 1 4 0/0/3/f Moodle
VIVEMB00 Power Systems Laboratory 2 4 0/0/3/f Moodle
VIVEMA03 Power System Transients 4 2/1/0/v Moodle
VIVEAV56 Power Tools for Engineers 2 2/0/0/f Moodle
VIVGD020 Problem Formulation and Solving 5 4/0/0/v
VIVEA014 Programming 2 0/0/2/f
VIVEA040 Project Laboratory 3 0/0/3/f
VIVEA026 Project Laboratory 5 0/4/0/f Moodle
VIVEBL00 Project Laboratory 16 0/26/0/f
VIVEAL01 Project Laboratory 5 0/0/4/f
VIVEAL03 Project Laboratory 5 0/0/4/f
VIVEML00 Project Laboratory 1 5 0/0/3/f
VIVEML02 Project Laboratory 1 5 0/0/3/f
VIVEML03 Project Laboratory 2 5 0/0/3/f
VIVEML01 Project Laboratory 2 5 0/0/3/f
VIVEBL01 Project Training 7 0/12/0/f
VIVEAV04 Railway Electrification Systems 2 2/0/0/f
VIVEAV02 Servo and Robot Drives 2 2/0/0/f
VINFD039 Skin Effect Models 5 4/0/0/v
VIVEAC15 Structure of Smart Power Grids 5 2/2/0/v
VIVEAL00 Training Project Laboratory 3 0/0/2/f
VIVEAL02 Training Project Laboratory 3 0/0/2/f